touch the hotness

I'm a loving, non-violent, spiritual person. Really, I am. It just so happens most things fall outside the level of my spiritality which means I get to shove my Gucci heel up someones ass and assualt them with whatever vehement rhetoric and four letter words come to mind. But outside of those situations that lack cogent spirituality? Oh yea, totally loving, non-violent, and spirutal.

learn more shit about Kitty you don't want to know

I'm just a nut, tryin' to bust a nut. Oh, and I'm her bitch, yea, the one up there in the most disgusting D&G sunglassess I've ever seen.

learn more shit about GNVP you don't want to know

Template by snazzy inc.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Carnal's More Funner Than Proper Grammar Anyway

So, GNVP and I were speaking yesterday and he mentioned that this place pretty much fell to complete shit. I suggested we delete, delete, delete; he bitched and moaned at the prospect of having all his blogland contributions [a whopping 4 posts, stop and be amazed] become non-existent with the simple click of a button.

Thus, this place remains and I have no real clue what to do with it [other than post the NBA Finals pictures I'm going to be taking from the floor of center court for strategic gloating purposes. Nothing gives me more pleasure than ruffling the flamboyant homo-tendancy feathers of GNVP, my other best friends, and my brothers--oh, and that tone of sheer jealousy in their voice makes living so much more worthwhile]. Suggestions are much appreciated.

For now, I'm going to take the easy way out and do a meme. My answers are in normal text, and GNVP's are in homosexual pink. You have to admire him being so comfortable in his lack of sexuality.
1. What's in your wallet?
Credit cards, those bonus saving cards from select stores, a few Sheckles left from my most recent trip to Israel that are pointless to exchange 'cause they equate to a total of $12.00 I think. Oh, and I have a single, lone, lonely, dollar. Poor little guy.

The same two condoms that have been there since junior high. They still haven't expired!

2.What's under your bed?
Probably my cat, and that black halter top with a white lace peack-a-boo lining that seemed to have magically disappeared. Hmmmmmmm.

My desk. I live in the human equivalent of a sardin can.

3.What's on that way top shelf or in the very far back of your closet?
I live in an apartment, so I'm not sure what "very far back" means, but the answer is clothes. All four of the closets my apartment comes with are filled with my clothes, as is the south wall of my bedroom which I had to convert into a make-shift closet to accomodate the remaining clothes those four closets can't. Yes, I have a lot of clothes.

Probably that Dr. Suess style giant vibrator B-rad got me when Ryan was being a douche and I told him I had lost my hetero-lifemate.

4.What's in your underwear drawer?
Underwear drawer? Hah. Like I have drawers. I rarely wear underwear anyway.

Boxer briefs. When you got abs like mine, they just look mighty fine! Hallelujah hollaback!

5.What's in the trunk of your car?
My PA system. I'm tired of carrying it up four flights up stairs and back down again every few days.

I live in NYC, my mode of transporation is bus number 11. If you don't get that, think about it.

6. What color is the underwear you're wearing at this moment?
I'm wearing shaved cooter style. I already said I don't usually wear undies.

Dark grey. They match my socks, how much do I rock?

7. Do you have a super-secret hiding place and what's in it?
Yes, and I hide the bulk of the snide, bitchy, shitty, totally churlish things I am dying to say but don't. Sad, huh? I'm even worse than I let on.

Why don't you come over to my sardine box and take a look around, then you can tell me where a good place to hide shit would be.

8. Do you feel guilty about something right now, if yes what?
Eating a piece of ice cream cake for breakfast. I love being female!

I'm Jewish. When don't I feel extreme pangs of guilt for absolutely no apparent reason?

9. What is the most embarrassing thing in your room right now?
The surfing bunny, which the dude I'm fucking got me so I had something to play with while he's away for two weeks. Least it's about the same size as him.

I have a whole slew of girls toys all over my apartment thanks to baby sitting my "daughter" this past weekend. The most embarassing is Butterscotch. The philly freaks me out, but what baby wants baby gets!

10. Have you done something recently you hope no one finds out about?
I downloaded the most recent Kelly Clarkson song. I'm so ashamed.

I jacked it at Eitan's mom's house. Don't give me that look. It was either crank one out, or walk around with a raging boner. His sister-in-law is hot, so I blame her.

11. What is your last thought before you fall asleep?
Christ, I have to be up in three hours and play lawyer. Damn insomnia!

My dick looks so big, even in my own hands!

12.How long have those leftovers been in the fridge?
My fridge has only liquids in it, and by liquids I mean a wide assortment of beer and alcohol.

Less than 24 hours. Chinky never lasts long in my cassssssaaaa.

13. If I confiscated your computer and took a look around....what would I find?
A lot of music and random shit I've written. Oh, and probably a few things I've had to do for work, seeing as this is my work computer.

I ain't gonna lie. Porn, porn, porn, and more porn.

14. Do you sleep with anything?
Hot guys only.

Lovely ladies! If they aren't lovely, just pass me a bottle of tequila and it's easily taken care of.

15. What is your midnight snack weakness?
Fruit Roll-Ups. Don't ask.

Midnight snack? Puhlease! If I'm awake and not fucking, I'm always eating something. Ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you I'm a black hole for food.

16. Have you ever you shop lifted?
Yes. I love to walk on the wild side. WOOT!

How else do you get condoms in your younger years?

17.Have you ever vandalized anything?
Define vandalized.

Oh man! Remember when we flour and feathered Matt's car? Damn, we should do that again.

18. Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Whatever you're smoking, please pass it my way.

I bust a move at all times. Ain't nobody who can out sprinkler me!

19. What do you wait until no one is looking to do?
Blow my nose. I can't do it in front of people.

Fart, 'cause when you eat as much as me and you're as big as me you best believe that there's going to be some wind tunnel action in your posterior when you let it rip.

There you have it. Useless information for no other reason than keeping this place alive.

kitty kat spoke at 7:05 AM and 2 people united to combat the evil fucking care bear stare